Injektion Modules Weany - Advantage Pack
These injection modules allow the lifelike training of intracardiac, intramuscular and intravenous injections on our Weany.
These injection modules allow the lifelike training of intracardiac, intramuscular and intravenous injections on our Weany.
119.00 €
incl. 19% VAT (Netto 100.00 €)
plus shipping
Training injections and blood sampling on a live animal is not possible and yet should be performed safely in an emergency. With these injection modules, intracardiac, intramuscular and intravenous injections can be trained step by step and completely at rest on our Weany.
Blood sampling at the vena cava can be performed with conventional cannula as well as with vacuum systems at the IV module in the choke channel. The IC Module has, in addition to a puncturable ventricle, palpable ribs so that the correct puncture site can be localized via anatomical points. An integrated tubing system connects the IV module and the IC module to the blood reservoir and allows aspiration of blood when the cannula is placed correctly.
Training of an IM injection into the neck muscles can be simulated on the IM module.
Our injection modules can be used several times without any puncture marks being visible. The modules can be exchanged in just a few steps and Weany is ready for the next use.
Simulator nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.