IM Injection Pad
IM Injection Pad
Thumb: IM Injection Pad
Thumb: IM Injection Pad
Injection skills

IM Injection Pad

This true-to-life IM pad provides opportunity to practice intramuscular injection in dogs and cats.

33.90 €
incl. 19% VAT (Netto 28.49 €)
plus shipping

on request

from 25 pcs. 10% from 50 pcs. 15%

Intramuscular Injection

This two-layer injection pad has a skin-like surface and a simulated muscle layer into which smaller injection volumes can be applied. This makes it possible to practise intramuscular injections under realistic conditions.

Our injection pads are reusable, tear-resistant and retain their shape and texture even after repeated use. Our practical pad holder (S) can be used to mount the injection pad in a vertical or a horizontal position, as required.

Pad holder is not included in the scope of delivery and has to be ordered separately.

  • dimensions: ca. 15 x 16 cm
  • thickness: ca. 3 cm
  • Article no. #002-025-00

Blutentnahme und Injektionen lassen sich mit unseren Simulatoren stressfrei trainieren. Mit drei einfachen Handgriffen können unsere Padhalter schnell bestückt und ausgewechselt werden.

More on our Youtube-Channel.

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